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+49 611 360 073 28 | New products Deals
#91117, Lax-Max

Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules)

Member Price
28.00 EUR
Your price
35.00 EUR
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  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Introducing Lax-Max, your gentle healthy bowel movement support companion. The ingredients in this dietary supplement are specifically selected to provide suppo... More info
  • Psyllium husk, Magnesium, Inulin, Alfalfa leaf extract, Coral powder, Diatamaceous algae, Cascara bark, Senna leaf, Rhubarb root, Pau D’Arco bark, Black Walnut hull, Cloves flower bud, Bayberry root bark, Watercress leaf, Parsley leaf, Rosemary leaf, Echinacea herb, Fenugreek seed, other ingredients.... Psyllium husk, Magnesium, Inulin, Alfalfa leaf extract, Coral powder, Diatamaceous algae, Cascara bark, Senna leaf, Rhubarb root, Pau D’Arco bark, Black Walnut hull, Cloves flower bud, Bayberry root bark, Watercress leaf, Parsley leaf, Rosemary leaf, Echinacea herb, Fenugreek seed, other ingredients. More info minimize
120 Vegetable Capsules
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Introducing Lax-Max, your gentle healthy bowel movement support companion. The ingredients in this dietary supplement are specifically selected to provide support for smooth bowel movement, promoting healthy digestion and restoring beneficial intestinal tract microbial flora. Lax-Max helps support the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa, the body's detoxification processes, while getting rid of some undesirable toxins.

Psyllium Husks and Inulin
Psyllium Husks and inulin work in harmony to restore intestinal vitality. These ingredients help support intestinal tone and peristalsis by absorbing unwanted waste products and by supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.

Cascara, Rhubarb, Senna, Watercress
Supports colonic peristalsis for efficient passage of stool.

Alfalfa, Cloves, Rosemary, Fenugreek, Bayberry, Parsley
Supports the reduction of fermentation and putrefaction processes, by supporting the body's expedicious removal of certain toxins.

Pau D'Arco and Black Walnut
Helps inhibit harmful gut bacterial proliferation (growth).


Vegetable capsule
  • Directions

    Four capsules in the morning before breakfast.

  • Precautions

    If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.
  • Storage

    Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 77°F.
  • Shelf life

    2 years
  • Manufactured in

  • Lax-Max
    Nährstoffangaben gemäß LMIV
    Pro Tagesdosis % der empfohlenen Tageszufuhr
    Wegerich-Samenschalen (Plantago psyllium), mg
    900 -
    Magnesium, mg
    360 96
    Inulin (aus Zichorienwurzel), mg
    280 -
    Alfalfa-Blattextrakt (Medicago Sativa), mg
    200 -
    Kieselalgen, mg
    96 -
    Cascara Sagrada Rindenpulver (Rhamnus purshiana), mg
    48 -
    Senneblatt (Cassia angustifolia),mg
    48 -
    Rhabarberwurzel (Rheum palmatum), mg
    48 -
    Lapachorinde (Tabebuia heptafylla), mg
    32 -
    Schwarznussschalen (Juglans nigra), mg
    32 -
    Gewürznelken (Syzygium aromaticum), mg
    32 -
    Bayberry Wurzelrinde (Myrica cerifera), mg
    32 -
    Brunnenkresse-Blätter (Nasturtium officinale), mg
    32 -
    Petersilienblätter (Petroselinum crispum), mg
    32 -
    Rosmarinblätter (Rosmarinus officinalis), mg
    32 -
    Sonnenhutkraut (Echinacea purpurea), mg
    32 -
    Fenchelsamen (Trigonella foenum graecum), mg
    32 -
    - Tägliche Verzehrmenge nicht festgelegt
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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